Lilypie Third Birthday tickers Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Friday, October 31, 2008

Happy Halloween and updates!

Ok, ok, we are HORRIBLE now at keeping up with our blog. Once a month posts are not acceptable so we apologize. :) School is keeping me busy and Al has been diligently working on our finances since we are in the process of finally setting up Miss Tay's college fund. We couldn't let Halloween pass by though without some pictures.
First, a few updates on Taylor's latest developments. Late last week (around Oct 22nd), Taylor took some official steps between Al and I. She was loving it so much that she completely exhausted herself. After awhile, she would take one step, then collapse to her knees and crawl the rest of the way. As of Halloween though, she can slowly work her way across a room. She stands by herself really well and can even stand up if she's sitting in a small chair or something. It's so cute! I know they say be careful what you wish for, but constantly carrying a 23+ pound 14 month old is not fun anymore. Especially when all she wants to do is have you walk her around bent over and having her direct where she wants to go.

She is also mimicking and verbalizing really well. As far as sign language goes, she knows "food", "more", "please", "thank you", "milk", "all done", "water" and "drink". So dang cute.

For words she says, "ma-ma" and "da-da" although she also uses these words for many other things. She also says "Hiiii", "more", "banana" (nana!), "bye-bye", "ba-ba" means doggies, "turtle", and she'll mimick almost everything we say, like thank you, bye-bye, uh-oh, etc.

She blows kisses (she makes a loud smacking noise on her hand) plus she gives real kisses, puckers her lips and everything. The cutest thing is if one of us is walking around with her (like I was carrying her at Target), she will move our face to hers and lay a big fat one on us. Here's a cute story. After her night of walking for the first time, she and I were hanging out on the floor and she started smacking my face and waving her arms everywhere. I was trying to tell her "nice touches" and finally just closed my eyes until she was done for fear of getting a scratched cornea. Next thing I know, after about 3 seconds of my eyes being closed, I got a big, wet smooch right on the kisser. I just cracked up and she was so proud of herself. Such a funny little girl.

She loves being at events, especially events that have cheering. Even if we're watching a UT game, she will join in on the clapping. Most times she thinks we're cheering for her, of course.

Little miss is down to one nap a day most days. Especially at daycare. I guess the timing works since she'll have to do that in the toddler room starting in December.

Her favorite foods are bananas and carrots. She could eat those all day every day.

Lastly, she is still a total daddy's girl. I honestly don't know when it will be my turn again. I'm not that surprised though, I knew Al would be a very attentive daddy and she always prefers being in his arms. The little stinker will even look at her bedroom door when I go and get her up in the morning. She just stands there and waits for him to come pick her up out of her crib. I keep joking that hopefully we'll have a boy next so I can get my Mama's boy! ;) The only time I really am the prefered one is if we're around other people, then I'm #1. ;)
Ok, time for some pictures!
This year we decided to have Taylor be a little gorilla for Halloween. It was so funny. She does a monkey noise where she goes "ooh! ooh! ooh!" and slaps her chest. I honestly don't know where she picked that up. But of course we had to use "nanas" for her finishing touch props.
Here she is with her fake banana for the daycare party on the 30th:

She was not in much of a festive mood that night. The day was unseasonably warm and all the tots were uncomfortable in their warm costumes.

Here she is tired and hot (with her costume unzipped):

Now for her first trick or treating outting. Her mood was a lot better and she hammed it up a bit for our neighbors. Here is her first piece of candy that she enjoyed gumming:

This is her and Mr. Dude, our neighbor's 4 month old bull-dog that outweighs Taylor. So cute! I think he's trying to snag her snicker bar. Taylor's favorite part of the nights, was emptying out the candy bowls piece by piece and then putting them all back.

Here are some cute pictures from the past month.

Daddy and Taylor on one of the Saturdays that mommy was in class:

Taylor proud of herself after completing her favorite task, putting clothes in the laundry shute. Look at that belly! :)

Sweet face:

Family shot at the Apple House. It was FREEZING that day (one week ago) and has been beautiful since then:

Ok, this next picture is very unflattering, but I thought it was a hilarious "before" and "after" shot of Taylor. Taylor has a tendency to wipe her messy hands in her hair during meals. Of course the messier the better in her mind. So this night she was eating some ravioli and can actually see the chunks in her hair. I had to wipe her down before I even put her in the bath!


After! Is that the same kid??? ;)


Keith-Suzanne said...

OMG I love those little curlies!!!! I just want to come over and twiddle them!

Whitney said...

Cute costume! I wish you had a video of her pounding her chest and making the monkey noise!!!