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Monday, December 8, 2008

Thanksgiving and 15 Month Stats

Hi everyone! I can't believe we didn't manage to get a post in the month of November. We're getting worse instead of better! School is going well, but it's definitely created a deficit in our "free" time bank. We're managing though and enjoying as much family time as possible.

Taylor just turned 16 months yesterday and becomes more and more enjoyable each day. Who knew that was even possible?? She loves exploring her environment and discovers new things every day. Of course her favorite passtime is stacking and unstacking Tupperware containers. LOVES it. What's even better, she loves to put them away when she's done. Everything has its place and she is very aware of that. Apple of mommy's eye!

We have her 15 month stats from her appointment last month:
Weight - 23 pound 13 oz (70%ile)
Length - 32 inches (90%ile)
Head - 19 inches (96%ile) BIG head! Makes us very aware of the types of shirts we buy. They need to have a stretchy hole opening or lots of button. ;)

Now for some pictures!

Loving on her stuffed tiger that grandma bought her the day she was born:

For Thanksgiving this year, we drove down to Kansas to see Al's family. It was a great weekend and so nice to spend four full days down there with everyone. Even Al's great-grandmother, Mawlene, made it up from Texas with Al's grandma (Mimi). So we had a few opportunities of 5 generation photos. Very special.
We were also there for the arrival of our newest nephew Caleb Isaac and during the weekend, Al's cousin Kristi got engaged. Big weekend and lots of pictures!

Taylor running around with Nana's hat:

All the little grandbabies loved getting a ride on Mawlene's walker:

Running around Nana and Papa's backyard. The weather was great the first couple of days!

Al's family (Taylor was napping):

Baily (Taylor's cousin) was trying very hard to get Taylor to laugh. Taylor just laid there motionless with no expression the whole time. Finally Baily put her hands in the air and said, "That's all I've got!" and walked away. So funny!

Baily spent the night at Nana's since her mom (Al's sister Kelly) was schedule to go into the hospital the next morning. The two cousins got to play that night, very sweet.

Taylor hanging out with her cousins Deidric and Tavaris. They were so sweet to share their toys with her.

We also found some time to visit a high school friend of Al's (Adam) and his family. They have a 2 year old daughter, Ainsley and a 2 month old son, Fletcher. Now Fletcher, Al and Adam all share the same September 22 birthdate!

Taylor and Ainsley being goofy together:
Taylor not sure what to think about this little baby in daddy's arms:

Later that night, Caleb Isaac was born. Here's a picture of big sister, Baily with the proud daddy (Justin):

Nana and Taylor hanging out in Taylor's favorite chair of the weekend. She loved it so much that we're getting her one for Christmas from Mimi:

Taylor not happy that she has to share her ride with Al's cousin's boy, Logan:

Five generation photo including Joni and Les (Papa):

Al and Taylor with Grandpa Voigt:

Taylor and Joni finally getting to meet baby Isaac:

1 comment:

Keith-Suzanne said...

Cute Pics! She is getting so big. I swear she looks JUST like her mommy.