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Thursday, March 10, 2011

Pump It Up!

I made it to January finally! Thank goodness I'll be catching up in the next couple of posts. :)

In mid-January we had another fun birthday party at Pump It Up for Taylor's buddy Elijah. There were a lot of kids there, mostly from daycare, so it was a fun little hang out for the parents too.
Taylor was a lot braver this year (our first time was last year for another friend's birthday when Tay was 2.5).
Al and Taylor braving the slide. Mommy went once too with one of Taylor's buddies and was scared out of my mind! Those suckers are fast!

Elijah's mom (Raechael) was very creative and put together this awesome dinasour cake. I had to take a few pictures.

Chowin' some pizza.

Of course Cassidy wants in on this pizza party. ;)
Love those big blue eyes.

Some of Taylor's friends. I can make out Owen (far left), Olivia (next to Taylor of course) and Cleo.

Close up of the BFFs enjoying some ice cream.

It was an awesome party and only one injury when Taylor and Olivia collided on one of the slides. They learned that rules (going one at a time) are there for a reason! :)

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