Lilypie Third Birthday tickers Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Miscellaneous December

Some fun miscellaneous pictures of the girls from December.

Cassie is growing like a weed and such a happy baby. She will definitely be a handful though. VERY curious and short attention span (with most items). She likes to check out the next thing the second she gets her hands on the first. I have a feeling she will be keep us and her big sister busy! I honestly have found myself treating her like a rabid dog when I see her bee-lining to something I don't want her to get into, I will quickly toss another toy somewhere on the floor and her attention will be temporarily diverted. Like throwing a raw steak at an attack dog! LOL. She is a fast one!

Taylor is still SO sweet with her little sister and loves to "hold" her and give her lots of hugs and kisses. We couldn't be more proud of our sweetTay and how she has embraced the big sister role.

Cuddle time on the couch:

Taylor is also growing into an amazing little girl. She is so mature at times and says the sweetest things. One of her favorite responses if we ask her to do something is, "Oh, sure." Very adult-like. At first I wondered where she picked that up, but soon realized that we both say that a lot. ;)
Some things that Taylor is into right now: She likes to have dance parties and most recently, likes to have mock-rave parties with daddy. This involves listening to some DJ music and turning off the lights in the family room and jumping around with flashlights. It's hilarous.
She also loves to play "going to work" and "meetings". For obvious reasons this is not our favorite game, but we humor her "magical thinking" since it seems so fun to her. She will find out later on that they are not what they are cracked up to be!

Taylor cheesin' it up after coloring some thank-you card pictures.

Sister bath! This is a new favorite with Taylor. Cassidy is now big enough to sit up by herself pretty well, but it's still a little challenge bathing her in the big tub. She loves the water though so that's good!

Taylor likes to get into Cassidy's crib with her and lay by her side. It's the sweetest thing.
Fun times in the crib! This is one of Cassie's classic expressions. I made a face like that when I was a baby, "the hippo face". :)

Sweet baby in her headband. Need a haircut??

More sister-bath fun.
A present from Libby (Cassie's godmother/my BFF). She altered her bridesmaid dress from our wedding 6 years ago and made it into a dress-up gown for Taylor, with a matching shawl! Taylor was in heaven. She has shown a recent interest in our wedding pictures and video and loves seeing all the people she knows in our video. This made her day.
Libby had originally cut the dress short DURING our reception because she was hot. Amazingly enough, she saved every piece and was able to make thick straps and a shawl with the piece that had been cut off 6 years ago. So resourceful!

More holiday fun to come soon!

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