Lilypie Third Birthday tickers Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Monday, November 29, 2010

Cassie's First Trip and Halloween

On October 28th, Cassie took her first plane ride with mommy to go visit Al while he was attending a conference in D.C. Taylor stayed back and had a fun two-night sleepover with her buddy and classmate Elijah. I was so proud of her. She was homesick by night 2, but I'm not surprised. That's a lot to take on for a 3 year old!

I was a little nervous traveling with Cassie for her first flight by myself, but there was no need. She was a superstar and charmed her fellow passengers. I think they were just relieved that she was in such a good mood for the flight and didn't cry! We are very fortunate to have two kids that are great travelers so far. I hope it continues this way!

When we arrived at the hotel Thursday afternoon, Al was on break and greeted us. He had late conferences that day which worked in my favor so I could get some work done in the hotel room after Cassie went to bed. He was staying at the Gaylord Convention Center which was beautiful. Nice to have a little getaway for free!

Friday I did my best to work from the hotel with Cassie and would take some breaks to walk around on the hotel grounds so she didn't get too bored. It worked out pretty well!
Friday evening we got to hang out with Libby, Lincoln and TJ at their place (thanks for dinner guys!) and then went back to hang out with them all day Saturday.

Al with Cassie and TJ:

Cassie enjoying some outside time while TJ rode on his new big wheel from us. We were practicing with her hair for her Halloween costume. :)

Great profile shot of her hair and CHEEKS!!

Always SO happy and smiley. Such a sweet baby.

It was a quick visit, but so fun to get a chance to see the Winzeler/Zahlers on their turf in Virginia. It was also really sweet to have some mommy/daddy time with just Cassie. We were excited to get back to see Taylor though, it just wasn't quite the same without her.
Funny enough, when we arrived home, I think Cassie got more of greeting than either Al or I! She loves that baby sister of hers.
On Halloween night, we had three of Taylor's friends from school come over with their parents and we had pizza before we got the kiddos dressed and ready for trick or treating. It was a great night!
Cassie getting ready with her punk outfit. You should all be impressed with the wrist cuffs since Al actually made a trip to Michaels and crafted those himself with velcro strips. He was having a lot of fun making those and some cuffs for Taylors costume. Who knew he was so crafty!
Prepping the hair. Again...those CHEEKS!

The final product (hard to see, not sure why these appear so dark):

View from the top:

First trick or treating outing together! Taylor was a very cute Buzz Lightyear. :) She refused to wear the cuffs that Al slaved over since she didn't want to get them dirty. So funny.

The 3 year olds: Rowan, Elijah, Taylor and Olivia

First house. Taylor did much better this year with actually saying "trick or treat" and running up to the doors. Probably helped that she had 3 friends who she was trying to beat to the doorbell every time!

Cassie along for the ride too!

This is my favorite picture of the set. The morning after. Looks like she had a rough night!

Coming up next, Cassie's first trip to Texas, Thanksgiving in Kansas and 6-month stats. Hopefully all before Christmas!!

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