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Saturday, July 3, 2010

Follow up pictures of Taylor's room

Following up from the last posting...I wish I had taken some "before" pictures of our very crowded, white-walled, boring, guest room/office before we cleared it out. This room seems huge after the fact!
We still have some things to shelving in the closet, headboard for the bed and some wall art that I want to try my hand at, but it's looking pretty good so far!

For the first week or so, Taylor loved playing in here and loved the idea of her new room, but still insisted in sleeping in the nursery in her toddler bed. Over time, she eventually warmed up to sleeping in the much bigger bed (we kept the full-size bed for when we have visitors) and bigger room.

1 comment:

Marcia said...

wow! That is great work, very cute room. Love the new look & feel of the blog as well by the way. Enjoy summertime :-)