Lilypie Third Birthday tickers Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Friday, February 29, 2008

6 Month Stats

We had Taylor's 6 month appointment this past Monday and have her most recents stats!
Head - 17.5in (90th %)
Weight - 17lb 6.5oz (75th%)
Length - 27.25in (95th%)

It was kind of funny because the nurse asked if Taylor's daddy was tall because of her length. Nope! Just average! Who knows where Taylor will really end up. Her appointment was very routine. She's growing great, eating solids like a champ and sleeping pretty good now. She's such a good baby, we couldn't be luckier!

Now for the fun stuff. Here are some pictures from her latest photo "shoot".


CJ said...

damn she's cute

Mimi said...

That girl just gets cuter and cuter every day! I've tried to post comments for earlier pictures, but my password wasn't accepted. I think I've corrected the problem. I am so excited about seeing my baby (and Mom and Dad of course) in May. Much love and sugar!

Whitney said...

I love those little longhorn pictures so much!!!!!! Where did you get them done?

Jane said...

What a sweet girl! Hook 'em.

Priya said...

our little longhorn....just to cute :o)