Lilypie Third Birthday tickers Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Thursday, December 20, 2007

3 month pictures (a little late)

We know that Taylor is a bit past 4 months now, but we've been lacking in pictures (and time) the last few weeks so I thought I would share some pictures from her 3 month "photo shoot". Enjoy the baby with a thousand faces!

As a side note: For those who want to know, here are her 4 month stats that we got this past Monday:
14lb 4 oz (75th %tile) - little chunker is filling out!
26 inches (95th %tile)


Priya said...

She is just tooooo cute, can't wait to see you guys....we have to get together before I start school on the 12th :o)

Keith-Suzanne said...

Those are great photos!!! what a cutie!!!!I think she looks like al in that last picture