Time is flying by faster and faster. I look back at my maternity leave and it was such a flash. I loved having the summer off with our new bundle of joy!
Cassie is full of personality and action. Before I get to her stats, I wanted to note some things we want to remember about her at this age:
- She LOVES her food! She is now eating three meals a day plus a few bottles. Her favorites seem to be green beans and sweet potatoes! Apples are still hard for her to do, but she's getting better.
- Doesn't sleep through the night persay, but most nights she is only waking up at 4:00am for a feeding. Technically that is "sleeping through the night" since she is doing 8+ hours, but I am looking forward to when it is 12 hours straight! We get that once in a blue moon.
- At around 6.5 months she started scootching around. She is definitely mobile and that has added some complexity to our world. She really likes to investigate her surroundings (i.e. get into everything)!
- She is still such a happy, mellow baby. Very active and aware, but takes everything in stride and is easy to make smile.
- Her witching hour is still right around 7pm. It's hard to keep her awake much past that unless we are out and there is a lot of action for her to take in. She is very social. She also tends to have her "angry" moments in the middle of the night if she wakes up.
- Her hair is hilarious. She has SO much of it! Future posts will cover her first haircut that happened right before Christmas
- When you go get her in the morning from her crib, she is pushing herself up and starts kicking like crazy because she is so excited to see you.
- She is still a tummy sleeper and rubs her face on you or her sheet when she is really tired.
- Doesn't take a paci and doesn't suck her thumb
- She gives "kisses", especially to daddy. Just grabs his face and gives him a big open-mouth "kiss".
- She loves her big sister and the feeling is mutual. They are very sweet together even when Cassie pulls Taylor's hair.
6 Month Stats:
Weight - 18.2 pounds (92%)
Length - 28in (100%)
Head - 17.5in (93%)
The first weekend in December we had her 6 month photos taken and included some Christmas dress poses. They turned out so great! Such a happy girl.