Lilypie Third Birthday tickers Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Taylor Turns Three!

I heard somewhere that if you have a blog, you should be updating it once or twice a week. Leave it to me to completely break out of that mold. Here I am again, almost two months behind. I would like to blame it on a busy summer, but alas, I think we will be busy no matter the season and I will want to record every minute of it!

So on August 16th, our oldest baby girl turned 3. I can't believe it. I was looking at her the other day as she danced around and was making up songs and just wondered to myself what happened to the last three years. I know this is cliche, but I was so amazed that it had passed by so quickly. I can only imagine how this will be a common thought as each year passes. At the same time, I also love seeing her turn into her own little person, even when some days we see a lot more of the stubborn, sassy streak than we want to.

Anyway, this year we had a couple of birthday parties. One with all of her friends and then one the following day with family. To make it extra special, Al's mom and Mimi made the trip up here!

For her friend-party, we rented out a party room at Davanni's and hired Abrakadoodle to come and do arts and crafts with the kids. This was the BEST idea we've had so far. They ran the party from start to (almost) end. I just had to order the pizza and cake. No clean up or planning. It was the most relaxed I've been hosting anything!

Getting the room all set up for the party. The individual balloons were already there when we arrived (the restaurant did it) and Abrakadoodle set up the tables!

Sweet birthday girl with daddy:

Keeping the kids preoccupied when they first arrive:

Mimi meeting Cassie-Bear for the first time this weekend:

Story time to get everyone in a painting mood:

Mimi and Dalenette with Cassie:

The project we picked out was "Jackson Pollock". Of course we couldn't sling paint around in the restaurant, so they improvised with using boxes and other "tools" to paint. Like golf balls....

and cars....

and other items. The parents were almost as excited (if not more) as the kids were.

Pizza time!

Then Dora ice cream cake!

Birthday girl with her hand-made crown.

It was a great time with all of Taylor's friends!
The next day, we invited over my aunts and uncles and had a more intimate family gathering. The weather was a little cooler, but still a nice evening for eating outside.
Taylor cheesin' it up with her crown:
Family shot (minus Cassidy) with grandma and grandpa. Grandma made Taylor's cake this year!

This time we remembered to include Cassidy and had a nice family shot with Nana and Mimi. Too bad my eyes were closed, but it was the best picture of everyone else!

One of Taylor's favorite gifts from Great Aunt Joan and Uncle Bryan:
Her absolute favorite though was the tricycle from grandma and grandpa!

Leave it to my daughter to check out the storage features on her new vehicle:

The next day at school, Taylor was able to bring cupcakes to celebrate her birthday with her classmates. It was so sweet that she was cognizant of the fact that she got THREE birthday parties this year. Happy Birthday Sweet Taylor Jean, we love you!