Lilypie Third Birthday tickers Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Monday, July 26, 2010

Father's Day

For Father's Day this year we went and played putt-putt at one of our favorite little gems west of Minneapolis. It's called Big Stone mini golf and is created by a local sculptor. He has made 13 holes so far and took some time off for other projects but will be creating more holes in the future. Each hole is a work of art that can be climbed on and played around. It's always a fun time!

Taylor sporting her cool shades and ready to take on the course:

Grandpa helping Tay line up her shot:

Cassie helping out mommy:

One of our favorite holes is a boat that is upside down and has big holes drilled into it!
Taylor lining up her shot:
We had to take a photo of Taylor sitting on one of the metal pumpkin leafs since we had done it when she was about 9 months old on our Mother's Day trip here in 2008.
Taylor 2 years, 10 months:

Taylor 9 months:

Catching a ride on a mini horse! Such a little goofball.

After lunch and nap, the family headed to watch Al play soccer. This was Cassie's first soccer game! Taylor was giving her all the ins and outs to the game:

Happy Father's Day to my wonderful husband and dad! We don't know what we would do without you guys. Hope you had a great day with your littlest ladies. :)

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Cassie's First Few Weeks

Trying to stay on top of our blogging, especially since my maternity leave is quickly coming to an end. Lots going on for us this summer, it's been so nice not having school work!

Cassie has been such a seamless addition to our family, she is so sweet and mellow. Taylor loves being a big sister and is such a HUGE helper. She calls herself "Big Sister Helper" sometimes. Everyday after school, she comes running into the house and asks where Cassie is. She knows she can't touch her until she washes up, but she has to see her and give her a kiss before she does anything else. So sweet.
Here are some pictures from the first few weeks:

Taylor laying down with Cassidy in the crib/toddler bed. It's amazing how big Taylor seemed all of a sudden.

Another shot of the sisters snuggling. This is a common event:

Chewy even likes to get in on the action. He just loves his little humans:

We had a lot of nice visits.
Great-aunt Mary:

Great-uncle Joe:

Taylor being a super helper and feeding Cassie for the first time:

One of Cassie's first baths. She loves them. Taylor wasn't a fan when she was a baby so we took to showering with her. So far, Cassie loves being in the water.

Naptime for daddy and Cassie:

Visiting great-grandma Kneeskern. Cassie is great grandma's 22nd great-grandchild! Funny enough, 20 years ago, grandma didn't think she would have ANY!

Great-aunt Ann:

Cute picture of Taylor on her field trip to Underwater World at the Mall of American. Cassie and I surprised her and showed up right when her class got there. It was so cute to be along for a field trip.

Up next...Father's Day!

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Follow up pictures of Taylor's room

Following up from the last posting...I wish I had taken some "before" pictures of our very crowded, white-walled, boring, guest room/office before we cleared it out. This room seems huge after the fact!
We still have some things to shelving in the closet, headboard for the bed and some wall art that I want to try my hand at, but it's looking pretty good so far!

For the first week or so, Taylor loved playing in here and loved the idea of her new room, but still insisted in sleeping in the nursery in her toddler bed. Over time, she eventually warmed up to sleeping in the much bigger bed (we kept the full-size bed for when we have visitors) and bigger room.