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Friday, June 18, 2010

April-May 2010

Alrighty, I am taking one last step into the past to wrap up the "pre-Cassie" time. I am knocking out April and May in one big posting. Then I can focus on the summertime with my sweet girls!


We had an amazing spring this year weather-wise. It was unseasonably warm which actually allowed the little girls all over MN to not be freezing in their Easter dresses. That's unusual! As we always do, we headed down to Rochester to my Grandma Kneeskern's place to join the extended family for Easter festivities. Because it was so warm out, my Aunt Mary and Uncle Joe planned an OUTDOOR easter egg hunt for all the great-grandkids. So much fun!

Taylor getting into the groove of things and finding the colorful eggs:

The youngest of the great-grandkids that were in attendance.

Mia, Benaysay, Madelyn, Taylor, Annika, Owen and Ryan:

Since we had to get up early to go to church and then Rochester, we didn't do our Easter egg hunt at home until after we got back that evening.

Reaching up on tippy-toes:

She even wanted us to hide some outside for her. We did this a few times.

They're everywhere!

Colorado Springs
April 30 - May 2

In May we headed to Colorado Springs for Al's cousin Kristi's wedding. I'm glad we were able to make it, always looking for an excuse to get back to Colorado!

The first night they hosted a party at the Air Force Academy press box. Very cool!

Taylor trying on some football gear.

Took a quick trip to Garden of the Gods park. Nice view of Pike's Peak:

Great shot of Al's family, nephew Deidric, sister DeeDee and mom Dalenette:

Taylor enjoying her nature walk:

Family shot with me being VERY pregnant. :)

At the wedding:

May 6th

I finally did it! Finished my MBA and it feels so great. There were times that I felt like I would not get through some semesters, but overall it flew by really fast. I met great people and have a bond with 9 other people who made every other Saturday classes very bearable.
It's so great to be done and know that I don't have to read anything that isn't for "fun" anymore.

Prepping the big girl room

Before Cassidy was born, we worked a lot of hours to get the old office/guest room ready for Taylor to move into. It was chaos in our house for awhile as we figured out where to put our office and all the stuff (like a lot of my clothes) in the rest of the house. We recarpeted the room and painted it yellow. It looks so great now and our new office is now in the living room until we someday get our basement finished. I will have to add some "after" pictures..

Taylor jumping in to help a little with the painting. It helped knowing that the carpet would be removed. :)

Tay loving her new big girl bed and PURPLE comforter set.

Friday, June 4, 2010

Cassidy Aileen Voigt - May 30, 2010

Born May 30th, 2010 at 8:39am
8lb 15oz
21 inches

Sisters Tay and Cassie

First family photo

Happy big sister!