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Thursday, November 19, 2009

Taylor's First Football Game!

Once again we find ourselves more "behind" in our family blogging than we'd like to be, but better late than never, right? In early September we made the trek back to Austin, with our sights set on Taylor's first trip to Royal-Texas Memorial Stadium to see her beloved Longhorns open the 2009 football season. From the get-go, Miss Tay was ready to roll (and this time with her own travel bag).

Quality breakfast tacos are a must before a long day of tailgating and cheering for the Horns.

She chowed-down too! I think she has a new favorite breakfast.

The Godfather had no problems taking the reigns of the stroller and making the mile long trek from the parking spot to the tailgate (although Taylor's purple backpack may have thrown off his balance, which explains why her hair had a faint smell of Miller Lite).

......nap and rally!!!

With the escalator line stretching all the way out of the stadium, we decided to take the ramp up all 10 flights to our seats. But Taylor was loving every minute of it. Not counting a 2 level carrying stretch by Daddy, Taylor made the entire walk by herself.

Come on Daddy, we don't want to miss the Boys running out of the tunnel.

Once we were there, she was very engaged, and ALWAYS on the lookout for Bevo. Actually, we think she was calling out "BBEEEEVOOO" when this picture was taken. For those of you not in the know - Bevo is the live longhorn mascot

Taylor and Daddy taking in all the action.

As if we weren't high enough, Taylor gets an even better and more fun vantage point.

Loud and proud, baby!

Taylor was definitely feeling it. We swear, we don't practice this stuff at home

Here's our final parting shot from the stadium. Taylor was having such a great time, we were pretty much the last to leave the stadium. If you can believe it, this shot was taken around 10:00pm, and we entered the stadium around 5:30. She was such a trooper, but she felt so at home with the other 100,000 Longhorn fans that crankiness never entered her mind.

The next day we went to the Salt Lick for the best BBQ on the planet. This picture is Taylor's first public "time out". Note the amount of remorse on her face for not listening. But that's ok, she can't be perfect during each and every Austin related excursion.

Our sweet princess in her warrior paint after a long, but well loved, very successful, and thoroughly enjoyed trip to Austin.