Lilypie Third Birthday tickers Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Monday, September 17, 2007

I'm one month old!

Check me out!

Trying out an outfit from Aunt DeeDee:

Still my favorite place to sleep, mommy or daddy's chest:

I wonder what the next month will bring...

Monday, September 10, 2007

First family encounters

Four generation moment, Taylor meets her Great Grandma on Joni's side:

Taylor and Aunt Kelly (Al's sister):

Taylor with one of her cousins, Baily:

Taylor and Mimi (Great Grandma on Al's side):

Monday, September 3, 2007

Game Day

September 1st, 2007 marked a historic moment for our family, it was Taylor Jean's first UT football game day. Fortunately for her she slept through the dismal 21-13 showing against Arkansas State (who???), but the ground work has been laid for her future as a Longhorn fan.

Game day decision. What shall a girl wear?? Thank you to our friends and family in Austin who made sure that she was all set for Saturday. We're amazed at how many different Longhorn infant outfits there are!

So you're saying I'm a Longhorn??

Proud Papa