Lilypie Third Birthday tickers Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

More pictures!

Taylor with two other great-grandchildren, Mia (4) and Annika (6 months):

Taylor checking out her Nana:

Jamming with dad:

Future ballerina??

Hanging out with one of her "brothers":

Showing off her big "guns":

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Taylor's first week at home

Taylor (aka, "The Pea") meets her stunt double for the first time:

Snuggle time with Mom:

Snuggle time with Dad:

My first tiger impersonation:

Sleeping beauty:

Good morning!

Saturday, August 18, 2007

The Pea has arrived...and it's a girl!

Sweet baby Taylor Jean:

Our baby girl Taylor is finally here and we couldn't be more excited. It was an interesting series of events, but all in all a pretty textbook labor thankfully. Joni started having contractions on Sunday night, August 12th. For the next 2 days they never got closer than 7-10 minutes apart and we were told to stay home until they were 3-4 minutes apart. So we went to Joni's next, previously scheduled doctor appointment on Wednesday August 15th, hoping for some more encouraging news. At the appointment, the doctor checked Joni out and discovered that she was already 5 cm dilated and decided we should probably head to the hospital right then. We were so ecstatic! Thankfully, we had already cheated and packed out hospital bags in the car just in case :)

Since it was only noon, we figured we would have the baby by that evening. Fast forward many hours and at 9pm Joni was given an epidural. Unfortunately this halted progress and we waited for many more hours for the labor inducing drugs to take effect.

Dad-to-be taking a much needed nap around 1:00am:

Finally at 4:12am on August 16th, little Taylor Jean made her big entrance into the world. Her auntie Katrina is beyond thrilled to share her birthday with her.

Taylor Jean Voigt
7lb 13oz
22 inches

Daddy's girl:

Snuggle bug:

Stay tuned for more photos in the future..... :)